Roses are a popular type of flower and many people enjoy growing them. They are symbols of love, beauty and piece. Plus they make every garden look like a little paradise. If you are thinking about planting roses, you may be wondering when do roses bloom?

Generally, roses bloom between spring and autumn. Though, different types of roses have different blooming seasons and some rose types can even bloom in winter.

Here is what you need to know to make your roses bloom like crazy at the right time!

When do Roses Bloom?

Most roses bloom best in spring and early summer, although some varieties may bloom later in the summer too. Interestingly, there are some rose varieties that can bloom all year-round if they are grown in a climate with warm winters. Though, roses will stop blooming as soon as it starts to freeze, as there is no rose type that can survive freezing temperatures.

The blooming cycle of roses generally lasts about six weeks. However, some varieties of roses may only bloom for a few days or up to two weeks.

If you want to have roses that bloom all summer long, you can plant a variety of roses that flower at different times. This way, you will always have at least one plant in bloom.

Nevertheless, roses are fragile flowers. Typically, they require more maintenance and care than other flowers. Use a plant care app or subscribe to a gardening magazine to help you keep your roses healthy. If they are struggling to survive, roses will only show their beauty sporadically and for not very long.

Did you know that there is actually an award for the most beautiful cities of which flowers and roses are a big part of? Here is the list of the greenest cities in the world

Thanks to gardening apps it has become as easy as never before to figure out which roses bloom during which month.

when do roses bloom

How often do Roses Bloom?

Originally, wild roses would only bloom for about two weeks every year. However, throughout the years, many “new” types of roses have been developed to flower more often, so that we can enjoy these flowers more often. Dedicated gardening books will help you figure out which roses bloom during which periods and how often.

Thus, if you did your gardening job well, it is totally possible to make your roses develop nice buds every five to seven weeks throughout the warmer months of the year. So you’ll enjoy lots of beauty in your garden.

Most roses will bloom every five to seven weeks as long as they have been properly deadheaded and otherwise tended to. This means that you can expect at least three blooms throughout the growing season whether the roses are planted outdoors or in pots indoors.

If you want roses that continue to flower throughout the growing season, make sure to check out the ones below. These are a few types of roses that usually bloom a couple of times throughout the warmer periods of the year:

  • Bright Melody
  • Fairy Moss
  • Knock Out
  • Carefree Delight
  • Graham Thomas
  • Carefree Beauty
  • The Fairy
  • Sexy Rexy
  • French Lace

How long do Roses Bloom?

There is no rose type that can bloom the whole year-round. Whereas there are some roses that can flower all summer, most types of roses only do so for a couple of weeks or even just some days. Ultimately, different rose types have different blooming seasons. For example, “hybrid tea” roses typically flower from summer to late autumn, whereas “floribunda” roses usually flower from spring to early-summer. Though, there also some roses that bloom in winter, thus being a perfect addition to your winter gardening activities.

Finally, how long your roses will bloom strongly depends on how you grow and treat them. So let’s learn how to make your roses bloom!

blooming rose

How to Make your Roses Bloom?

1. When to Plant Roses?

The best time to plant roses is in the spring or early summer. This will give the plants time to establish themselves before the hot summer weather arrives. Never plant your roses when temperatures can still drop below 0 degrees celcius (32 degrees F)!

So, what is the best month to plant roses? Among gardeners, May is considered to be the best month for planting roses.

Actually, a great way to make your roses bloom is by first cultivatig them in an micro ecosystem, so that they can get stronger and prepared for the blooming season.

2. Where to plant Roses so that they Bloom?

Before planting your roses, you should carefully consider the location, because different types of roses have different requirements in terms of sunlight, water, and even neighbouring plants. Thus, carefully read the label before you buy roses.

Did you know that the practice of planting flowers like roses is called softscaping? As opposed to hardscaping, softscaping is the process of integrating or adding living elements to your outdoor space so that it looks more alive and inviting.

Rule of thumb: Place your rose in a location where it can be as independent and self-sufficient as possible.

3. How much Sunlight do Roses need to Bloom?

Roses love sunlight! They will only produce big & full buds if they get enough sunlight. Thus,  roses need as much sun as possible to bloom properly. Make sure that your roses get at least 5 hours of full sun per day. Otherwise, both you and your roses will be unhappy.

rose and its shadow

4. What is the best Soil for Roses to Bloom?

Roses may be cultivated in practically any soil type as long as it is deep, well-drained, and humus-rich (decayed organic matter). The best soils, however, are those that have a good clay subsoil and a medium to heavy loam that extends down at least 35 cm. This kind of soil is good since it naturally retains nutrients and moisture and needs no preparation.

Your roses will be drowned and given little to no breathing room if there is poor drainage. To backfill the planting hole, combine the excavated soil with organic material, such as compost. A great way to maintain decent soil conditions for your roses is by applying vertical farming techniques. These will allow your roses to get exactly the right dose of water, light, and nutrients so that they bloom longer as well as more often.

Other than that, you can try out the following tricks to make your roses bloom more often:

  • burying banana peels beneath the soil of your roses adds precious phosphorus
  • adding coffee grounds will boost nitrogen in the roses’ soil
  • integrating egg shells in the soil to add calcium
  • adding mulch around your roses prevents them from getting diseases
  • putting some alfalfa into the soil will provide your roses with an extra dose of nutrition
  • adding shredded paper to the soil is a great way to provide warmth, protection, and nutrients to your roses’ roots; plus it is a great way to recycle old paper
  • allowing maggots to live in the soil for roses
best soil for roses

5. How much Water do Roses need to Bloom?

Your roses require careful watering. In the ideal summer climate, you should water the entire root zone around twice per week. This is favored over more frequent, shallower sprinklings since a lesser amount is probably not going to reach the root network’s very bottom.

So don’t drown your roses, please! Roses can be killed by too much water. But if they get too little water they won’t produce any buds. 

Therefore, in order to make your roses bloom, you want your soil to be wet but with no obvious standing water.

Did you know that maintaining a garden full of roses can be quite water-intensive? Here’s how to save water at home!

watering roses

6. Should you Deadhead Roses?

Yes, you should definitely deadhead your roses after they bloomed. 

Cutting off the old buds will encourage your rose plants to rebloom and produce new buds. In fact, this is probably the easiest way how to make your roses bloom multiple times througout the season. 

Next to that, deadheading your roses has the additional benefits of maintaining a clean look as well as removing any debris around the rose bush that can harbor disease and insects.

6.1 What is Deadheading?

Deadheading is the practice of removing completed blooms to promote new growth and enhance the rose’s beauty and shape. Repeat-flowering shrub roses and once-flowering shrub roses that don’t develop hips should both be deadheaded. 

6.2 Why Deadheading helps to make Roses Bloom?

Flowers on plants have developed to attract pollination insects. After being pollinated, a flower is no longer necessary and will die back and fall off as the plant’s fruit takes its place where the bloom once was.

You must persuade a plant that the blooms have not been pollinated even when they have, in order to make it bloom more than once throughout a growth season. The rose shrub will produce a new blossom in an effort to pollinate again if you cut drooping or dead flowers before the rose can produce fruit, known as rose hips.

6.2 How to Deadhead Roses?

Deadheading your roses is simple! Just get a gardening knife and cut back to the first leaf below the wilted flower. A new bud will grow from this point onwards.

Though, as easy as deadheading your roses is, keep in mind to do this regularly. We would recommend to deadhead your roses at least once a week and even daily during mid-summer.

Finally, stop deadheading your roses at least 4 weeks befre the first frost. This is important because, if you will continue to deadhead in cold temperatures, your roses are most likely to freeze and will not survive the winter.


Blooming season for roses starts in spring and ends during autumn, when temperatures are getting colder. Whereas some types of roses only bloom once per season, there are many rose varieties that can bloom several times per year, but only when grown correctly. There are many factors influencing when (and how long) roses will bloom, but the most important ones are sunlight, water, and soil. Finally, the ultimate boost to make roses bloom more often is to deadhead them regularly in order to encourage the growth of new blooms.

Categories: Gardening