Before you can start vertical farming and grow food vertically, you need to get the right vertical farming equipment first. Though, don’t be shocked by the costs.

Vertical farming equipment comes with a price tag. However, whereas initial costs are high, you are likely to yield a good return on investment in the longer term. Plus, by farming vertically you are doing your bit to support sustainable agriculture ans the circular economy.

Before you can start to produce food vertically whether at home or on a big scale, you will need key components like grow racks, LED lighting, and climate control systems. Here is a full list of equipment you need for vertical farming.

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Vertical Farming Equipment List

Basic Vertical Farming Equipment

1. Grow Racks or Shelving Units

grow racks for vertical farming

Grow racks or shelving units are fundamental in vertical farming as they maximize space by allowing crops to be grown in vertically stacked layers. These structures must be robust to support the weight of plants, water, and equipment. Without them, the vertical aspect of the farm would be non-existent, drastically reducing the efficiency and yield per square foot, which is a key advantage of vertical farming.

2. Lighting Systems

lightning system for vertical farming

In vertical farming, natural sunlight is insufficient, making LED grow lights crucial. They provide the necessary light spectrum for photosynthesis, ensuring healthy plant growth. LED lights are preferred for their energy efficiency and longevity. Without proper lighting, plants would struggle to grow, leading to poor yields and unhealthy crops.

3. Climate Control Systems

climate control system for vertical farming

Climate control systems, including HVAC, are vital to maintain optimal temperature and humidity levels. These systems ensure a stable environment that fosters plant growth, regardless of external weather conditions. Without effective climate control, crops could be exposed to unfavorable conditions, leading to stress, disease, or even crop failure.

4. Irrigation and Nutrient Delivery Systems

Irrigation and Nutrient Delivery Systems

Essential in soilless farming methods like hydroponics and aeroponics, irrigation systems precisely deliver water and nutrients to the plants. They ensure efficient use of resources and consistent plant nourishment. Without them, manual watering and feeding would be less efficient and could lead to uneven growth or nutrient deficiencies.

5. Growing Medium


The growing medium anchors roots and supports plant growth. In hydroponics, mediums like rockwool and clay pellets are used, while aeroponics might not require a traditional medium. The right medium ensures proper root support and aeration. Without a suitable growing medium, plants are struggling to establish themselves, leading to weaker growth.

6. Seedling Trays and Propagation Equipment

Seedling Trays and Propagation Equipment

Seedling trays are used for germinating seeds and nurturing seedlings in a controlled environment. They are essential for a healthy start to the plant’s lifecycle. Without these, seedlings might not develop optimally, leading to lower survival rates and weaker plants.

7. Monitoring and Control Systems

Monitoring and Control Systems

Sensors and controllers are critical for maintaining and adjusting environmental conditions. They monitor factors like temperature, humidity, and nutrient levels, ensuring optimal growing conditions. Without these systems, maintaining a consistent and ideal growing environment would be challenging, leading to suboptimal plant growth.

8. Pumps and Plumbing

Pumps and Plumbing for vertical farming

In hydroponic and aquaponic systems, pumps and plumbing are essential for circulating water and nutrients. They ensure that plants receive a consistent and balanced supply of nutrients and water. Without proper circulation, there could be uneven distribution, leading to nutrient imbalances and poor plant health.

9. CO2 Generators

CO2 generator

While not always essential, CO2 generators can significantly boost plant growth, especially in sealed environments where natural CO2 levels might be low. Without them, plants might grow slower, but they can still thrive if other conditions are optimal.

10. Safety Equipment

safety equipment for vertical farming

Safety gear like gloves and masks protect farmers from potential hazards like chemical exposure or allergic reactions. While not directly impacting plant growth, they are crucial for farmer safety. Without them, there is a risk of injury or health issues, which could affect the farm’s operation.

11. Cleaning and Sterilization Tools

cleaning tools for vertical farming

Cleaning tools are critical for maintaining hygiene and preventing disease. Regular cleaning reduces the risk of pathogen outbreaks. Without proper hygiene practices, crops could be at a higher risk of disease, which can rapidly spread in the confined space of a vertical farm.

12. Harvesting Tools

harvesting tool for vertical farming

The types of harvesting tools you need depend on the crop. Specialized tools increase efficiency and reduce damage to plants during harvesting. While not having specialized tools won’t necessarily hinder the growth of plants, it can make the harvesting process less efficient and more damaging to the plants.

Supplementary Vertical Farming Equipment

  1. Backup Power Supply: Given the reliance on technology and controlled environments, having a backup power source like a generator can be crucial in case of power outages.
  2. Water Filtration System: If you’re using hydroponics or aquaponics, ensuring the water quality is high is essential. A filtration system can help maintain the health of your plants.
  3. Gardening App: A gardening app is a great tool to keep track of your plants’ health and what is required to make them grow in the best way possible.
  4. pH and EC Meters: These are used to measure the acidity/alkalinity and electrical conductivity (EC) of your nutrient solutions, respectively, which are critical for plant health.
  5. Data Logging and Analytics Software: This software can help you track the performance of your crops over time, understand environmental conditions, and make informed decisions.
  6. Pest Control Solutions: Even in controlled environments, pests can be a problem. Eco-friendly pest control solutions are important to maintain the health of your crops.
  7. Training and Educational Materials: If you’re new to vertical farming, investing in training or educational resources can be invaluable.
  8. Marketing and Distribution Tools: If you’re growing for commercial purposes, consider how you’ll market and distribute your products. This might include packaging materials, distribution agreements, or marketing platforms.
  9. Waste Management System: Efficient disposal or recycling of plant waste, unused water, and nutrients.
  10. Legal Compliance and Insurance: Ensure that you comply with local agricultural regulations and have appropriate insurance to cover your operations.
  11. Research and Development: Continuous learning about new techniques, plant varieties, and technologies to improve your farm’s efficiency and output.
  12. Community and Network Building: Engaging with other vertical farmers, agricultural experts, and sustainability communities can provide valuable insights and support.
  13. Space and Building Requirements: Depending on the scale, you might need to consider the physical space requirements, including potential modifications to existing buildings.

Vertical Farming Equipment Cost

Vertical farming is an innovative approach to agriculture, but it requires a significant initial investment in equipment and infrastructure. The overall cost depends on various factors, including the size and scale of the operation, the technologies employed, and the specific crops grown.

Smaller, DIY setups might cost a few thousand dollars, suitable for personal or experimental use.

In contrast, large-scale commercial operations could require millions of dollars in investment. High-efficiency LED lighting, climate control systems, and advanced hydroponic or aeroponic systems are among the most substantial expenses.

However, these costs can be offset over time through higher yields, efficient resource use, and the potential for year-round production in controlled environments.

Here is an estimation of the equipment costs for a small-scale vertical farm:

Equipment ItemEstimated Cost Range
Grow Racks/Shelving Units$500 – $1,000
LED Grow Lights$1,000 – $2,000
HVAC Systems (Climate Control)$5,000 – $10,000
Hydroponic/Aeroponic Systems$500 – $2,000
Sensors and Control Systems$200 – $2,000
Electricity and Water (Monthly)$100 – $500
Nutrients, Growing Medium, Seeds$100 – $200 (Recurring)
Labor (Monthly)$500 – $1,000
Safety and Cleaning Equipment$100 – $200
Backup Power Supply$1,000 – $2,000
Data Analytics Software$50 – $100 (Monthly)
Legal and Insurance$500 – $1,000 (Annual)
Total Initial Investment$9,550 – $22,000
Vertical Farming Equipment Cost for Small-Scale Farm

Vertical Farming Equipment Suppliers

Here’s a list of notable suppliers known for providing equipment for vertical farming. This list covers a range of suppliers, each with their own specialties and areas of expertise:

  1. Freight Farms: Offers fully-contained vertical hydroponic farms built inside shipping containers, providing a turnkey solution for year-round farming.
  2. Vertical Farm Systems: Offers automated vertical farming systems that are scalable and suitable for a range of different crops.
  3. Valoya: A leading provider of LED grow lights, offering a wide range of lighting solutions optimized for plant growth.
  4. Advanced Nutrients: Specializes in hydroponic nutrients and supplements, catering to the specific needs of plants grown in soilless environments.
  5. Priva: Offers climate control and process management technology, helping optimize the growing environment in vertical farms.
  6. Netafim: Known for its innovative irrigation solutions, Netafim provides equipment and systems ideal for efficient water and nutrient delivery in vertical farming.
  7. GrowSpan: Supplies greenhouses and growing structures that can be adapted for vertical farming, alongside climate control systems.

Each supplier has its unique strengths and focuses, so it’s important to research and contact them directly to find the best fit for your specific vertical farming needs. The availability of products and services may vary based on your location and the scale of your operation.

Tips for Choosing the Best Vertical Farming Equipment Supplier

When setting up a vertical farm, selecting the right suppliers for your equipment is crucial. These suppliers not only provide the necessary hardware but often also offer valuable guidance, installation services, and after-sales support. Here are some key points to consider when looking at vertical farming equipment suppliers:

  1. Range of Products
  2. Quality and Durability
  3. Technological Innovation
  4. Customization and Scalability
  5. Support and Services
  6. Sustainability Practices
  7. Cost-effectiveness
  8. Reputation and Reviews
  9. Geographical Location
  10. Compliance and Certifications
  11. Partnerships and Collaborations

When choosing vertical farming equipment suppliers, it’s make sure to do some online research beforehand. Listen to gardening podcasts for getting tips, request quotes from multiple vendors, compare their offerings, and perhaps visit their facilities or existing farms they’ve equipped. This thorough approach will help you make an informed decision that aligns with your operational goals and budget.


What equipment is needed for vertical farming?

In order to operate a vertical farm, you need the following equipment:

  • grow racks or shelving units
  • LED grow lights
  • climate control systems (HVAC)
  • irrigation and nutrient delivery systems
  • a suitable growing medium (e.g., rockwool, clay pellets)
  • seedling trays and propagation equipment
  • monitoring and control systems
  • pumps and plumbing for water circulation
  • safety equipment for handling

Without this equipment, you cannot start and operate a vertical farm properly.

What is used in vertical farming?

Vertical farming uses soilless growing methods such as hydroponics or aeroponics, LED lighting for plant growth, climate control systems for regulating temperature and humidity, automated irrigation systems, and various sensors for monitoring environmental conditions.

What do you need to build a vertical farm?

To build a vertical farm, you need vertical grow racks or shelves, efficient lighting systems like LEDs, climate control systems (HVAC), hydroponic or aeroponic systems for soilless growing, a reliable water and nutrient delivery system, and monitoring equipment for environmental conditions.

How much does vertical farming cost?

The cost of vertical farming varies greatly based on scale and technology. Initial setup can range from a few thousand dollars for small-scale operations to millions for large commercial farms. Costs include equipment, utilities, labor, and maintenance.

Can you do vertical farming at home?

Yes, vertical farming can be done at home using smaller-scale systems. Basic requirements include vertical shelving units, LED grow lights, small hydroponic or aeroponic systems, and basic monitoring tools. It’s suitable for growing herbs, leafy greens, and small vegetables.

Does vertical farming require soil?

No, vertical farming does not use soil. It employs soilless growing methods like hydroponics, aeroponics, or aquaponics, using alternatives like rockwool, coco coir, or clay pellets as growing mediums. Not having to worry about soil management is one of the major advantages of vertical farming.

Do vertical farms use fertilizer?

Yes, vertical farms use fertilizers, typically in a liquid form, as part of their nutrient solutions. These fertilizers provide essential nutrients to plants in hydroponic or aeroponic systems and are precisely controlled for optimal plant growth.

Categories: Gardening

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Sophia Jones

Sophia, a co-founder of EcoCation, is a distinguished expert in the publication of scientific articles focused on sustainable business and botany. With a profound knowledge of both the corporate and natural worlds, she bridges the gap between ecological science and business practices. Sophia’s work is pivotal in promoting sustainable development and environmental responsibility. Her dedication to high-quality, research-based content has established EcoCation as a leading platform for innovative and impactful ecological discourse. Through her expertise and leadership, Sophia continues to drive the conversation on integrating sustainability into business and botanical sciences.