What are the best sustainability books? Well, this depends on your interests and preferences…
Nevertheless, with our expertise on the topic and after reading hundreds of books about sustainability, climate change, green living, and sustainable business, we have compiled this list to make it easier for you to choose sustainability books that will help you in learning more about sustainability and reducing your environmental impact.
Have fun reading the best sustainability books!
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30 Best Sustainability Books in 2024
1. Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things

Authors: William McDonough & Michael Braungart
This one is one of the very classic sustainability books! It challenges the traditional “cradle-to-grave” cycle of materials and calls for re-designing products in such a way that none of the materials used end up as waste.
The authors, who are leaders in sustainability, argue that simply being less bad isn’t good enough. We have to be good straight from the beginning. Thus, they are demanding a re-thinking of product design in such a way that all materials serve as “food” for new products after the end of their lifecycle. This is similar to the concept of biomimicry, which seeks to drive green innovations by learning from natural processes.
Ultimately, this innovative, optimistic nonfiction sustainability book challenges you to think beyond the boundaries and inspires hope for change.
If there is one sustainability book that you must read, it is this one!
2. Let My People Go Surfing: The Education of a Reluctant Businessman

Author: Yvon Chouinard
Written by the founder of Patagonia, one of the world’s most sustainable companies, this thought-provoking business memoir explores the relationship between companies, its stakeholders, and the environment.
Ahead of its time, Patagonia has proven that putting purpose over profit through innovative leadership is beneficial for the long-term success of business, and has remained true to its values, while growing like no other cloting brand.
But this sustainability book is more than just a summary about Patagonia’s history. It also illustrates how sustainable leadership can transform the world!
3. Climate Justice: Hope, Resilience, and the Fight for a Sustainable Future

Author: Mary Robinson
While thinking about climate change, we tend to forget that human rights are a big part of it too. In this uplifting and motivating sustainability book, Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland, turns her attention to grassroots climate activists from around the world and tells their stories about experiencing environmental and human injustices. Today, these activists are fighting for a sustainable and just future, not only for their communities, but for the whole world.
Finally, it is one of the few sustainability books that reminds us about the fact that vulnerable communities will be the first to bear the negative impacts of climate change.
If you care about climate change and human rights, if you want to become an activist, or if you just want to learn about motivating stories to save the planet, you’ll love this sustainability book.
4. The Responsibility Revolution

Authors: Jeffrey Hollender & Bill Breen
This one is a true gem and a must-read for all business leaders. Whereas the general message of this sustainability book is similar to Cradle-to-Cradle, the authors focus less on sustainable products and more on sustainable leadership.
It’s not about “being less bad” while trying to reduce a company’s environmental footprint, but about “being all good” straight from the beginning!
Furthermore, the authors argue that “being all good” can only be achieved if sustainability values are taken into consideration in every business decision. This observation is a result of interviews that the authors had with some of the biggest and responsible businesses in the world, who share their strategies for developing “good companies”.
5. A Life on Our Planet: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future

Author: David Attenborough
In this sobering sustainability book, David Attenborough, who is famous for his stunning and thought-provoking documentaries about nature, reflects on how we allowed to pollute our planet and reminds the reader about the many human-environment interactions we have with nature.
Even after wittnessing the destruction of wilderness and the extinction of many species first-hand, with his visionary approach, the author is positive about the future and seeds hope that we will be able to reverse climat change and the negative impacts we have on the environment.
In case you are not a passionate reader, you can also watch the same-named documentary.
6. Doughnut Economics: Seven Ways to Think Like a 21st-Century Economist

Author: Kate Raworth
It is no surprise that this read is still one of the best sustainability books out there. Economics is already complex enough, but not for Kate Raworth, who adds a sustainable component to the fundamentals of economics. And all of it in an easy to read way, so that anyone can follow her thoughts.
In addition, the author believes that it is possible to meet all of humanity’s needs without overexploiting our planet.
By setting out seven key ways to fundamentally reframe our understanding of what economics is and does, she sets new standards for what economic success looks like.
7. The Upcycle: Beyond Sustainability – Designing for Abundance

Authors: Michael Braungart und William McDonough
This sustainability book is the follow-up to Cradle-to-Cradle, where the authors shift the focus from theory to practice and demonstrate how the cradle-to-cradle approach works in real business.
Furthermore, they explain that, by applying cradle-to-cradle principles, we don’t just reuse resources with greater effectiveness, we actually improve them as we use them.
Thus, by designing products, buildings, and business practices in such a way that they are beneficial to the world in the long-term, they can not just sustain life on the planet but actually grow it.
8. Rebuilding Earth: Designing Ecoconscious Habitats for Humans

Author: Teresa Coady
Readers are given fresh hope by Teresa Coady in this inspirational and imaginative sustainability book. Her plan for creating the cities, structures, and residences of the future—which will lead to more responsible, fair, and ecological living—is titled Rebuilding Earth.
With the help of this ground-breaking approach, communities will be able to utilize green energy sources, use less material to create infrastructure, and improve the health of the world (and society).
According to the author, creating interconnected communities that are lively, resilient, and communal is the only way to bring about meaningful and long-lasting change.
Contrary to most apocalyptic predictions, Coady offers a rather optimistic view of humankind and its future.
9. The Blue Economy 3.0

Author: Gunter Pauli
In this sustainability book, Gunter Pauli describes a new economic business model that could drastically change our world to the better. By moving from scarcity to abundance, he suggests to tackle sustainability challenges through from new perspectives.
By being one of the first sustainability books that deals with the next generation of businesses, this book has strongly contributed to the development of the circular economy.
Lastly, after explaining the basics about the so-called Blue Economy, the author explores how different companies have applied this business model to their operations. If you like out-of-the-box thinking, seeing thing from different perspectives, and learning about business models that create more value, then this book is definitely worth to read.
10. Strategy for Sustainability: A Business Manifesto

Author: Adam Werbach
Forget about any prior ideas you had about corporate sustainability and environmentalism. This book by Adam Werbach offers a whole fresh perspective on sustainability and demonstrates how it can now give businesses a genuine competitive edge. In fact, it is the first book in the conversation of sustainability strategy.
According to Adam, the only way to assure a company’s existence in the long-term is to integrate sustainability into its primary mission.
Ultimately, Strategy for Sustainability is an authoritative book on sustainable business strategy that demonstrates how customers, staff members, and investors are passionate about businesses that “do well by doing good.”
The book uses transparency as a business tool to engage, inspire, create change, and enjoy the benefits. It offers a practical approach that it brings to life with real-world examples. Ultimately, the athor covers why this makes companies more competitive and even generates a strategic advantage.
11. The Future Earth: A Radical Vision for What’s Possible in the Age of Warming

Author: Eric Holthaus
Most sustainability books look either at the past or the present. Not so The Future Earth!
Leading climate change advocate and journalist Eric Holthaus offers a radical vision of our future. Anchored by world-class reporting, interviews with futurists, climatologists, biologists, economists, and climate change activists, it shows what the world could look like if we implemented radical solutions on the scale of the crises we face.
All of this makes it the first hopeful book about climate change, by showing readers how to reverse the short- and long-term effects of climate change over the next couple of decades.
This is the book for anyone who feels overwhelmed by the current state of our environment. A positive future lies ahead of us!
12. Drawdown: The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming

Author: Paul Hawken
Have you ever thought about the requirements needed for us to stop global warming? In this inspirational and motivating book, Paul Hawken collaborates with a group of top academics, scientists, and decision-makers to provide 80 solutions to the issue of global warming, ranked according to their potential for impact. The list includes subjects like transportation, city planning, energy, education, food production, and more. Some of them may be familiar to you, while others may surprise you, but they are all fully viable economically.
Specifically, each area includes the amount of CO2 the team thinks could be taken out of the atmosphere or prevented from being created at all, the cost, and most significantly, the amount of money each would save. The author also discusses emerging technologies that might have a significant influence in the future.
In order to stop climate change and achieve drawdown, the point at which greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere peak and start to drop, the book urges everyone to take action during the next 30 years.
This is a must-read if you’re seeking for places where you can make a difference.
13. The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History

Author: Elizabeth Kolbert
You’ve probably already know about the ongoing mass extinction, with hundreds of species lost forever every single day. One unique species that might go extinct soon are narwhals. And it’s actually not the first mass extinction in the Earth’s history. However, this time it is different, because we, humans, are responsible for it.
By looking at different ecosystems, such as the Panamanian rainforest, the Great Barrier Reef, the Andes, Bikini Atoll, city zoos, and the author’s own backyard, Elizabeth Kolbert compares today’s extinction events to the ones of the Earth’s history. As a result of deep and peer-reviewed research, the author estimates that we will be loosing between 20% to 50% of today’s species by the end of the 21st century.
The Sixth Extinction is one of those sustainability books you should read to better understand human-environment interactions, and how we have let it come so far.
14. The Human Age: The World Shaped by Us

Author: Diane Ackerman
Written by Diane Ackerman, this sustainability book is about both: the negative as well as the positive impact that we as humanity have on our planet.
After reading the book, you’ll understand why “nature” and “humans” depend on each other and what we can do to make our world a better place.
In a fascinating and inspiring way, the author argues that a better world can be created, for example through the real-life application of break-through & green innovations such as evolutionary robotics, nanotechnology, 3D printing and biomimicry.
If you feel overwhelmed by climate change and all the other contemporary environmental challenges, this one is a must-read for you. After reading this book, you’ll definitely feel more positive about the future!
15. Quenching the Thirst: Sustainable Water Supply & Climate Change

Author: George Annandale
We’ve all seen it: droughts, wildfires, and water shortages & scarcity…
All of these factors—increased water consumption, a quickly expanding global population, and diminishing water availability due to climate change—are contributing to a disaster for which all of us responsible.
Written by George Annandale, Quenching the Thirst, is one of the few sustainability books that shifts our focus away from general intangible statements towards specific actions we can take to solve the global water crisis and opens our eyes to issues we might not have seen before.
Amongst others, the author discusses how humanity can shift from water scarcity to abundance by using modern technologies, such as desalination.
This read gives the topic of water the attention it deserves!
16. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster

Author: Bill Gates
As you might know, Bill Gates has dedicated a large part of his life to fighting climate change and supporting initiatives that aim to have a positive impact on the environment.
In How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, he outlines the different options we have to stop climate change and turn our world to a better & more just place. As expected, he approaches the climate crisis through the eyes of an engineer, exploring niche technologies like carbon-free cement manufacturing as well as more mainstream solutions.
However, this is one of the few sustainability books that goes beyond stopping climate change. As realistic as Bill Gates is, he also argues that we need to be prepared to face the long-term challenges posed by the impacts of a rise in global average temperatures. That’s why he does not only talk about climate change mitigation, but also about climate change adaptation as well as nature-based solutions.
17. There Is No Planet B: A Handbook for the Make or Break Years

Author: Mike Berners-Lee
The list of issues appears to go on forever: world hunger, climate change, biodiversity, pesticides, plastics.
However, what needs to be done first? What are the consequences of our actions? And what is most urgent? Do we have to all go vegetarian? In a low-carbon world, how can we fly? How can technology be within our control? Is population the only factor? And what on earth can any of us contribute given the worldwide scope of the difficulties we currently face?
Thankfully, Mike Berners-Lee has done the math and mapped out a strategy that is workable and fun. It is laid out in an approachable and interesting manner in There is No Planet B, which is packed with startling information and insights.
For the first time, a comprehensive overview of the current social, political, and economic issues is presented in one location, with the underlying causes – issues with our way of life and thinking – being followed through.
Ultimately, this book will startle and stun you, and then it will make you grin. Additionally, you’ll discover doable, even inspirational, suggestions for what you may do to support human progress on our, our one and only, planet.
18. All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis

Authors: Ayana Elizabeth Johnson & Katharine Wilkinson
The climate movement is experiencing a leadership revival that is more typically feminine and firmly feminist, grounded on empathy, connectivity, innovation, creativity and collaboration.
Although it is obvious that women and girls are important voices and change-agents for this world, they are all too frequently left off the important decision-making. It’s more than just a prejudice issue; it’s a pattern that positions us for failure. We need everyone if we are to transform everything.
This book, which incorporates essays, poetry, and art, is both a soother and a manual for understanding and embracing what has been done to the earth while strengthening our commitment to never give up on one another or our shared future.
In the end, to move away from the edge and toward possibilities that might bring life, we must gather up the truth, the courage, and the answers. This book, which was assembled by two climate leaders, is a celebration of visionaries who are pointing us in the direction of everything we can preserve.
19. Sustainability for the Rest of Us

Author: John Pabon
Have you ever questioned if the plastic you recycle or upcycle, the reusable cups you use, and the electric vehicles you drive are actually having an impact? What about the donations you make to charities or the parties you support? Why does it feel like things are just getting worse 100 years after the modern green movement began?
John Pabon examines his almost two decades of working to save our planet in Sustainability for the Rest of Us, explaining why much of what we’ve been doing hasn’t had any significant effects at all.
Finally, irrespective of the reader’s level of expertise, this funny and unconventional book will show you what needs to change, why it has to change, and how to make it happen. Think of it as “sustainability made easy”.
20. How Bad Are Bananas?: The Carbon Footprint of Everything

Author: Mike Berners-Lee
Half popular science, half green living manual, How Bad Are Bananas? is the first book to provide us the knowledge we need to make wise lifestyle decisions and carbon-conscious purchases, as well as to include environmental concerns into our daily thinking patterns.
With entries for both the huge things and the tiny things, it also aids in putting our judgments into perspective. Additionally, it encompasses everything from birth (the carbon footprint of having a kid) until passing away (the carbon impact of cremation).
Besides, the book consistently informs, delights, and engages the reader. It is full of surprises, such as the fact that a plastic bag has the least environmental impact of any item listed and that a block of cheese is terrible news.
All of this makes it a good read to finish off this list of the best sustainability books.
21. No One is Too Small to Make a Difference

Author: Greta Thunberg
This inspiring collection of Greta Thunberg’s speeches encapsulates the heart and soul of the youth climate movement. Thunberg’s powerful voice challenges leaders and individuals alike to take urgent action on climate change. As one of the best books on sustainability, it reminds us that every person, regardless of age or background, can contribute meaningfully to a sustainable future. A must-read for anyone looking to understand the youth-led push for environmental activism.
22. How Veganism Can Save Us

Author: Emma Hakansson
Hakansson’s book explores the impact of veganism on sustainability, delving into how plant-based lifestyles can significantly reduce our carbon footprint. As one of the top sustainability books, it presents compelling evidence on the environmental benefits of veganism, offering practical tips for adopting a more sustainable diet. This book is an essential guide for anyone curious about the intersection of dietary choices and environmental stewardship.
23. Sustainable Escapes

Author: Lonely Planet
Lonely Planet’s book takes readers on a journey through eco-friendly travel options around the globe. It’s a treasure trove of information for those seeking sustainable vacation alternatives. As one of the best sustainability books, it not only inspires wanderlust but also educates readers on how to minimize their environmental impact while exploring the world. This book is perfect for travelers who want to tread lightly on the planet.
24. It’s Not That Radical

Author: Mikaela Loach
In this engaging read, Loach demystifies the concept of sustainability, proving that living a sustainable life is not as radical or difficult as it may seem. This book, a standout among books about sustainability, offers practical, everyday tips for making a positive environmental impact. It’s an ideal starting point for anyone new to the topic, demonstrating that small changes can lead to big differences.
25. The Story of Stuff

Author: Annie Leonard
Leonard’s book provides an eye-opening look at our consumption patterns and their environmental impacts. Among the best books on sustainability, it challenges readers to rethink their buying habits and the lifecycle of products. This sustainability book is a wake-up call to the consequences of consumerism and offers a path towards more mindful and sustainable living.
26. The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food

Author: Dan Barber
Barber’s book is a forward-thinking exploration of sustainable food systems. It’s a standout among books on sustainability, offering a deep dive into how we can transform our food production and consumption habits to be more sustainable. This book is essential for food enthusiasts and anyone interested in the future of food security and environmental health.
27. The Waste-Free World

Author: Ron Gonen
Gonen offers a compelling vision of a zero-waste society in this insightful book. Among the top sustainability books, it explores innovative ways to reduce waste in all aspects of life, from individual habits to industrial practices. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to understand and contribute to a more sustainable, waste-free world.
28. The Future We Choose

Author: Christiana Figueres & Tom Rivett-Carnac
This book presents a hopeful and actionable roadmap for achieving a sustainable future. It’s a notable addition to the best books on sustainability, providing clear guidance on how individual and collective choices can drive meaningful environmental change. This book is perfect for those looking for inspiration and practical steps to contribute to a healthier planet.
29. We Are the Weather: Saving the Planet Begins at Breakfast

Author: Jonathan Safran Foer
Foer explores the link between our dietary choices and the climate crisis in this compelling book. As one of the best sustainability books, it offers insightful analysis and practical advice on how small changes in our diets can have a significant impact on the health of our planet. A must-read for anyone interested in the relationship between food and sustainability.
30. Give a Sh*t: Do Good. Live Better. Save the Planet

Author: Ashlee Piper
Piper’s book is a no-nonsense guide to living a more sustainable life. Among the top books about sustainability, it provides easy-to-implement tips for reducing your environmental footprint. This book is ideal for those who want to make a difference but aren’t sure where to start, offering straightforward advice on sustainable living in a relatable and engaging way.
More Sustainability Books
There are so many more great sustainability books that unfortunately haven’t made it into the top 20 above. In case you cannot get enough of reading about sustainability, you should check out the best sustainable living books.
If you are super curious, here are even more sustainability books, sorted by category, so that it’s easier for you to identify the books that you are most interested at:
Business & Economics:
- Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered
- Green Giants: How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability into Billion-Dollar Businesses
- What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption
- Green Swans: The Coming Boom in Regenerative Capitalism
- Grow the Pie: How Great Companies Deliver Both Purpose and Profit
- The Ecology of Commerce
- Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature
- Evolution of a Corporate Idealist: When a Girl Meets Oil
- Net Positive: How Courageous Companies Thrive by Giving More Than They Take
- The Truth About Green Business
Climate Activism:
- This Is Not A Drill
- Material Value: More Sustainable, Less Wasteful Manufacturing
- Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution
- Climate Justice: A Man-Made Problem With a Feminist Solution
- Diary of a Young Naturalist
- Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
- Sustainability: A History
Sustainable Living:
- Wear No Evil: How to Change the World with Your Wardrobe
- Grow Food For Free: The sustainable, zero-cost, low-effort way to a bountiful harvest
- Nature’s Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard
- Diet for a Hot Planet: The Climate Crisis at the End of Your Fork
- Small is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered
- The Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health
- Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism
- Eating Animals
- Third Culture Kids of the World: Exploring Sustainable Travel Mindsets
- Wear No Evil: How to Change the World With Your Wardrobe
- One Pot, Pan, Planet
- Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
- Live Green: 52 Steps for a More Sustainable Life
- #futuregen: Lessons from a Small Country
- Our Next Evolution: Transforming Collaborative Leadership to Shape Our Planet’s Future
- The Future We Choose
- This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. The Climate
- How to Prepare for Climate Change: A Practical Guide to Surviving the Chaos