How to save electricity? The subject of saving electricity is becoming bigger and bigger every day, due to extraordinary prices caused by rapid changes in geopolitics and the economy.
Whether rising energy prices are taking away an increasing share of your income or if you just want to reduce your carbon footprint! There is a whole lot you can do to save electricity. Plus, the good thing is that you can help to save the planet at the same time – two birds with one stone!
From quick fixes to long-term solutions, we’ve compiled a diverse range of actions that fit every lifestyle. Join us in a journey to reduce your carbon footprint, enhance efficiency, and enjoy the perks of a greener, more cost-effective home.
Here are 100 ways to save electricity at home!
- Make use of natural light.
- Replace old appliances.
- Unplug any electrical gadget. This helps to prevent e-waste too.
- Initial complete makeover to your water heater.
- Insulate your home.
- Apply caulking to windows and frames.
- Consider installing a digital thermostat.
- Install solar panels. Find out if solar is worth it for you.
- Minimize TV watching time.
- Change your lightbulbs. Switch to CFLs & LEDs.
- Invest in a tankless water heater.
- Live a sustainable lifestyle.
- Ditch that old TV.
- Turn off fans.
- Change your laundry habits.
- Hang clothes instead of using a dryer.
- Cook efficiently.
- Leverage off-peak rates.
- Use Quiet Mode on your AC (or better: don’t use it at all)
- Use smart tech devices.
- Change your yay-to-day behaviors.
- Replace your power strips with smart power strips.
- Use an energy supply plan.
- Use your dishwasher & washing machine for full loads only.
- Buy a dishwasher & washing machine with a high Energy Star rating.
- Take shorter showers & avoid taking baths.
- Try insulating hot water pipes.
- Install an instant water heater near your sink.
- Use less hot water.
- Keep outside doors closed.
- Install water-saving shower heads or flow restrictors to save water.
- Put on a sweater & throttle the heating.
- Use heavy drapes.
- Switch off your burners / oven before you finish cooking.
- Opt for a cooking method that isn’t broiling.
- Wash clothes in cold water.
- Keep your refrigerator out of the sun.
- Clean the back of your refrigerator & dust its coils.
- Turn the temperature up on your refrigerator.
- Unplug the TV after watching.
- Switch to ceiling fans.
- Reverse ceiling fans In winter.
- Prefer to shower over taking a bath.
- Close windows in the winter.
- Go double (or triple) glazed.
- Use energy saving modes on appliances.
- Keep your freezer full.
- Swicth off the tumble dryer.
- Don’t leave computers and other devices on standby.
- Work from home and save on fuel costs that way.
- Decorate with pale colors to allow light reflect more easily off the walls.
- Don’t super-size appliances.
- Use nighttime energy discounts.
- Use a timer for lights.
- Dust your light bulbs.
- Empty your fridge.
- Use motion controllers for lights.
- Plant some trees to provide shade to your home.
- Open windows rather than using the AC.
- Don’t open your oven door while cooking.
- Don’t put food in the refigerator when its still hot.
- Use solar appliances such as solar power banks or solar backpacks.
- Have an energy audit.
- Keep the garage door closed.
- Insulate your garage door.
- Repair your household doors.
- Check for draft.
- Promote air flow in your home.
- Don’t boil water in the microwave.
- Insulate an old water heater.
- Air dry your dishes.
- Keep your oven clean.
- Switch off outside lights at night.
- Bin the chandeliers.
- Use mirrors to reflect light.
- Use the right-sized burner on the stove.
- Leave the oven door open after cooking.
- Open windows instead of relying on an extractor fan – no electricity used, no cost!
- Take advantage of solar gain in the winter.
- Only boil as much water as you need.
- Unplug your phone from the charger it is fully charged.
- Put lids on pots and pans to reduce cooking times.
- Unplug any device that is not being used.
- Turn your tap off while brushing your teeth.
- Avoid opening the fridge or freezer to browse.
- Don’t heat rooms that you rarely use.
- Avoid blocking radiators with furniture.
- Recycle whatever you can.
- Save on your energy bills by using a price comparison site.
- Dim the screen of your devices.
- Turn off 3G/4G /Bluetooth if possible to save energy on your smartphone.
- Fix leaking taps or toilets.
- Regularly defrost your freezer.
- Invest into an energy-efficient heat pump to save on heating costs.
- Cover bare floors with carpeting or rugs to help insulate your home.
- Keep shades shut all around the house to keep warm air in during winter.
- Have disconnected time.
- Share your home.
- Get your family / household members on board.
- Teach your children how to save energy & reward them for it.
We hope these 100 ways to save electricity at home will help you save money on your energy bills and reduce your personal carbon footprint.
Do you want to save even more money? If yes, you should check out the top 50 ways to save water.