Gardening TV shows offer a lush escape into the world of greenery, combining expert advice, stunning visuals, and inspirational garden transformations. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting, these shows provide valuable insights and tips to enhance your gardening journey.

After watching these gardening shows, your green thumb will be even greener!

The Best Gardening TV Shows

1. Gardeners’ World

gardeners world - the best gardening tv show

Gardeners’ World, available on Apple TV and Amazon Prime, is a celebrated gardening TV show that offers a wealth of practical advice, inspiring ideas, and the latest gardening trends.

A standout scene is when the host demonstrates a unique technique for vertical farming, showcasing how to maximize space in small gardens and which equipment you need for vertical farming. This episode effectively combines educational content with visually appealing garden designs, making it highly beneficial for viewers.

2. The Instant Gardener

the instant gardener - one of the best gardening shows

The Instant Gardener, exclusively available on Apple TV, is a dynamic gardening show that transforms neglected spaces into beautiful gardens within a day.

An impactful scene is when the team redesigns a small, overlooked backyard into a vibrant, multi-functional garden. This episode not only showcases the transformation and how to tackle transplant shock, but also provides viewers with practical tips on quick landscaping and space utilization, making it highly engaging and informative for those looking to revamp their outdoor spaces efficiently.

3. Grow, Cook, Eat

grow cook eat

Grow, Cook, Eat, available on Amazon Prime, is a unique show that intertwines gardening with cooking. Each episode focuses on a particular vegetable, covering its cultivation and culminating in a cooking segment where a delicious dish is prepared using the featured vegetable.

A notable scene involves the detailed process of growing tomatoes on a balcony, followed by preparing a fresh, homegrown tomato salad. This scene exemplifies the show’s approach to educating viewers on the journey from garden to table, offering practical gardening tips alongside inspiring culinary ideas, especially helpful for the ones geting started with urban gardening.

4. The Victory Garden

the victory garden

The Victory Garden on Amazon Prime is a classic gardening show, revered for its focus on sustainable and environmentally friendly gardening practices.

A memorable episode features the transformation of a barren urban space into a lush, productive garden, demonstrating how to create a sustainable ecosystem in a small area. This particular scene is impactful as it not only shows the step-by-step process of building a garden from scratch but also emphasizes the importance of sustainability in gardening, offering valuable insights to viewers looking to create eco-friendly gardens in limited spaces.

5. Big Dreams, Small Spaces

big dreams small spaces - one of the best gardening tv shows

Big Dreams, Small Spaces, streaming on Netflix, is a gardening show that specializes in transforming modest outdoor areas into beautiful, functional gardens. It’s particularly appealing to those with limited space who dream of having a lush garden.

A notable scene involves the host working with homeowners to turn a small, cluttered backyard into an elegant, space-efficient herb garden. This episode is especially inspiring, demonstrating how creative landscaping and the right urban plant selection can maximize limited space, providing practical tips and ideas for viewers with small gardens or patios.

6. The Science of Gardening

the science of gardening show

The Science of Gardening on Amazon Prime is an educational show that delves into the scientific aspects of horticulture. It explores topics like plant biology, soil science, and eco-friendly gardening techniques.

A significant scene is when the show demonstrates the process of photosynthesis in plants using innovative visual effects. This segment is particularly enlightening as it helps viewers understand the fundamental biological processes that make their gardens thrive, thereby adding a deeper layer of knowledge to the usual gardening practices.

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7. Growing Floret

growing floret - one of the most inspiring gardening tv shows

Growing Floret, accessible on Magnolia Network, HBO Max, and discovery+, focuses on the journey of a small family-run flower farm as it evolves into a significant floral business.

A particularly inspiring scene is when the team undertakes a large-scale floral installation, demonstrating the intricate process of selecting, preparing, and arranging flowers. This scene not only provides a behind-the-scenes look at the floral industry but also offers valuable insights into the artistry and business of flower farming, resonating with viewers who are interested in both gardening and entrepreneurship.

8. The Big Flower Fight

the big flower fight - gardening show on netflix

The Big Flower Fight on Netflix is a vibrant and competitive show where teams of florists, sculptors, and garden designers face off to create extravagant floral installations.

A standout scene involves contestants creating a life-size floral sculpture, showcasing innovation and teamwork under pressure. This episode not only highlights the contestants’ creativity and skill in using flowers and plants as artistic mediums but also provides viewers with a captivating look at the possibilities of floral art, making it a visually stunning and educational experience for gardening and art enthusiasts alike.

The Value of Gardening TV Shows

Gardening TV shows offer immense value by combining entertainment with education. They serve as a rich resource for gardening enthusiasts of all levels, providing practical tips, innovative ideas, and the latest trends in gardening. These shows inspire viewers to start or improve their own gardens, regardless of space or experience.

Additionally, they foster a deeper appreciation for nature and sustainability, encouraging eco-friendly practices. By showcasing diverse gardening styles and techniques, these shows also cater to a wide audience, making gardening accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Alternatives to Gardening TV Shows

Not into binge-watching TV, but still interested in gardening? For those seeking alternatives to gardening TV shows, there are several options:

1. Gardening Podcasts

Gardening podcasts are perfect for on-the-go learning. They offer tips, interviews with gardening experts, and discussions on the latest trends in horticulture. Podcasts can be a great companion for gardeners during their own gardening activities.

2. Gardening Magazines

Gardening magazines provide in-depth articles, stunning photography, and practical advice for gardeners. They cover a range of topics from landscape design to plant care, and often include seasonal guides and reviews of gardening products.

3. Gardening Books

Books on gardening range from beginner guides to specialized topics like permaculture or botanical science. They serve as comprehensive resources for detailed study and reference, often providing step-by-step instructions and illustrations.

4. Gardening Apps

Modern technology offers apps for garden planning, plant identification, and care reminders. These apps are helpful for gardeners looking to organize their gardening activities and access information quickly.


Are there any gardening TV shows?

Yes, there are numerous gardening TV shows covering various aspects of gardening, from practical tips to garden makeovers.

Does Netflix have gardening shows?

Netflix offers a range of gardening shows, including Big Dreams, Small Spaces and The Big Flower Fight.

What is the old garden show on PBS?

The Victory Garden is a long-running, well-known garden show on PBS.

Categories: Gardening

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Ava Brown

Ava is a dynamic and passionate eco-journalist, recognized as one of the youngest contributors at With a deep-seated love for the environment, she specializes in gardening and eco-living topics, bringing fresh and innovative perspectives to sustainable living. Ava’s work is driven by her commitment to inspire others to embrace green practices and create a healthier planet. Her articles blend practical advice with a youthful enthusiasm, making eco-friendly living accessible and engaging for all. As an aspiring voice in environmental journalism, Ava is dedicated to fostering a more sustainable future through her writing.