How much do you really know about climate change? 

When it comes to climate change, there have been many misinformation spread over the last couple of years. But now it’s time to put some things into perspective.

In this article you’ll get to know the top 5 myths about climate change!

What is climate change?

Being one of the key sustainaibility challenges, climate change is a long-term change in the average weather patterns that have come to define Earth’s local, regional and global climates. Since the industrial revolution the Earth’s average temperature has already increased by more than 1 C°. Although this does not seem much, it actually is. Since the Earth exist (4.54 billion years), there has never been a period where global temperatures have been rising so quickly

Why is it important to learn about climate change?

Climate change is the defining issue of our time and we are at a defining moment. From shifting weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of catastrophic flooding, the impacts of Climate Change are global in scope and unprecedented in scale.

It’s important that we understand how the climate is changing and how to avoid and deal with extreme weather events, so that we can prepare for the future. As this is exactly our expertise, here are 5 myths about climate change:

5 Myths about Climate Change

With the climate crisis becoming a hot topic in mainstream media – there’s a lot of confusion around what climate change actually is. That’s why we’ve tried to clear up some of the most frequently heard myths, so that you are ready to discuss the topic with your family, friends, and others!

1. The climate has always changed

Over the course of the Earth’s 4.5-billion-year history, the climate has changed a lot. This is true. But the rapid warming we’re seeing now can’t be explained by natural cycles of warming and cooling. The kind of changes that would normally happen over hundreds of thousands of years are happening in decades. 

Global temperatures are now at their highest since records began. In fact, 17 of the 18 warmest years on record have all taken place since 2001.  

2. Animals adapt to climate change

To some degree, animals can adapt to a changing environment. However, given the speed of climate change, it’s becoming impossible for many species to adapt quickly enough to keep up with their changing environment. And, as habitats are destroyed by roads, cities and dams, moving becomes increasingly difficult.  For those that can’t move or adapt, the future doesn’t look so positive. This is also one of the many reasons why nature-based solutions for climate change are so important nowadays.

3. Plants need carbon dioxide

Indeed, plants need carbon dioxide (CO2) to live. They remove and store huge amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere each year. But the problem is, there’s only so much carbon dioxide they can absorb and this amount is decreasing, as more and more forests are cut down across the world, largely to produce our food.  

Let’s be clear, CO2 itself does not cause problems. It’s part of the natural global ecosystem. The problem is the quantity of CO2 that’s being released into the atmosphere by us as humans.

Now you are probably wondering if there are any solutions to stop releasing more CO2 into the atmosphere and maybe even store more carbon in the ground. Yes, there are! These so-called nature-based solutions for climate change can conserve, restore, and better manage ecosystems to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere.


4. Renewable energy is expensive

It’s a commonly-held belief that renewable energy is expensive, but this simply isn’t true! Solar power and onshore wind are the cheapest ways of generating electricity, meaning the energy they produce is cheaper than using nuclear, gas and fossil fuels.  

The cost of renewables has fallen faster than anyone could have predicted. And yet governments are still backing dirty fossil fuel companies that are trying to greenwash themselves with billions in subsidies.

three pillars of a sustainable business - environment

5. Climate change isn't real

There are some people who belief that climate change isn’t real because it’s still cold where they are.

Global warming is causing the Earth’s average surface temperature to increase. This is not only making heatwaves and droughts more likely but it’s also causing changes to our natural climate systems. These changes are making extreme weather events more likely and more severe. For example, hurricanes and storms are becoming more intense, moving slower and taking longer to die down.

climate change flood

In case you would like to learn more about climate change and suatinability, check out more of our articles.

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Liam Johnson

Liam, a co-founder of EcoCation, is a prolific author and esteemed professor specializing in sustainable business. With a profound commitment to creating a positive impact on the world, he combines academic rigor with practical insights to advance the field of sustainability. Liam’s contributions to EcoCation reflect his dedication to fostering environmentally responsible business practices and educating the next generation of eco-leaders. His work not only informs but also inspires, driving meaningful change towards a more sustainable and equitable future. Through his writing and teaching, Liam continues to be a leading voice in the sustainability movement.